On 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation came into effect and was incorporated into UK domestic law by the General Data Protection Act 2018. This ushered in a new age of data security and marketing restrictions, one that placed a heavy burden on the shoulders of businesses that keep personal information. Thus, a drastic overhaul occurred in several businesses, discarding previous data security regimes and the search began for new policies.
Any business that employs people will hold personal information on their employees. This often manifests in the form of a personnel file or bundle; however, this can vary business-to-business.
Our employment team has dedicated hours to becoming familiar with the new rules regarding data storage. They know how and when it is appropriate to store and release data as well as exactly what needs to go into any data regulation policy. They can provide informed advice on the matter, assist in drafting policies to be implemented within your business, and – in the event a breach is alleged – make written representations on your behalf to the data subject in question and/or the Information Commissioner’s Office.
Obviously, businesses and operations wish to avoid any allegations of data mishandling, which is why the advice and skills on offer from our employment team are undoubtedly invaluable.
For more information, please speak with a member of our employment team:
T: 01254 828 300
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