Intellectual Property
Transport is a competitive business and at Backhouse Jones we understand how important it is to build a powerful reputation for your business. Your business name and associated brand becomes intertwined and symbolic of your service levels and business objectives. With this in mind, we understand how frustrating and damaging it can be to your business if another company sets up with a similar name or logo. The good news however is that you can challenge this!
The dispute resolution team at Backhouse Jones frequently work with businesses who are being pursued for trademark infringements or passing off (where another company seeks to pass their business off as associated with yours i.e. by adopting a similar name).
If you find that you are the subject of a claim relating to an intellectual property breach please seek advice at your earliest opportunity in order to ascertain the options available to you before you end up in costly litigation.
For more information, speak with a member of our dispute resolution team:
T: 01254 828 300
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