Contract Disputes
Contract disputes are a common issue in the transport sector, whether it be a vehicle your business has purchased which is not fit for the purpose, or an agreement you entered into with another company that has soured, and you want to know what your options are.
At Backhouse Jones we have a team of Solicitors experienced in dealing with breach of contract claims, whether that be initiating a claim on behalf of a business or advising on a contract for services and whether a business can terminate the contract due to the other party’s non- performance.
Perhaps you provide services to another party but as you do not have a formal written document you consider there to be no contract? This is in fact not correct; a contract can be verbal and depending on the terms verbally agreed, there may be numerous options available to you to remedy any dispute.
The Dispute Resolution team at Backhouse Jones deals with transport related contract disputes daily and by taking a practical and client focused approach are successful in reaching commercial resolutions for clients.
For more information, speak with a member of our dispute resolution team:
T: 01254 828 300
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