The DVSA recently published a release about how last year they developed the ‘Find an ATF’ service. The ‘Find an ATF’ page helps ATFs to promote AFT’s service. The aim if this is to allow Authorised Testing Facilities (ATFs) to share information about short-term test availability and helps operators to find sites that have tests available.
The improvements were introduced after testing restarted in July 2020 with the aim of supporting operators and ATFs as initial MOT exemptions started to come to an end.
The DVSA are reminding ATFs to keep their booking availability up to date on the service. By doing this they hope this will help ATFs attract business and help operators who need appointments.
The page is interactive and shows which sites have provided their availability. Operators can also click on the name of the ATF to access to their website directly, where this link is provided.
Please find more detail here or contact the Regulatory team on 01254 828300 if you need any advice.