This checklist sets out the factors that you need to consider if you are thinking of incorporating a private limited company.
What type of company can be incorporated?
A new business can be set up as a company or an existing business can be incorporated as a company. The latter is often the case when a business has reached the stage where the increased administrative burden of company law requirements is offset by the benefits that the company structure offers, such as limited liability. A company can be incorporated as:
A company is incorporated by filing the necessary documents and paying the required fee at Companies House. You can either:
Company constitution
A company’s constitution and the rules governing its administration are set out in its:
Incorporating a tailor-made company
To register a private limited company, Form IN01 and the memorandum of association must be lodged with the Registrar of Companies at Companies House. Form IN01 includes:
The statement must also include details of the rights attached to each class of company shares:
Filing the registration documents
Electronic incorporation
Post-completion formalities
The incorporation formalities should be completed at a meeting of the board of directors as soon as possible after receipt of the certificate of incorporation, and any documents that require filing at Companies House must be filed within the statutory time limits.
More information
If you have any questions about the content of this checklist, please Brett Cooper on 01254 828300 or