The use of AdBlue emulators is firmly on the radar of the DVSA and Traffic Commissioners with Commissioners putting them in the same category as fitting a magnet to falsify digital tachograph records.
In December 2017, the DVSA issued a warning after roadside checks uncovered very high levels of operators using “emissions-cheating devices” that effectively disable AdBlue systems. Backhouse Jones are advising numerous operators whose vehicles have been found to have these devices fitted.
The DVSA are using the discovery of one of these devices as a springboard for a full inspection of the rest of the fleet including maintenance systems generally. The Traffic Commissioners have made it clear in recent articles in the trade press that a “dim view” will be taken. Indeed, the presence of an AdBlue emulator recently resulted in the revocation of an operator’s licence.
AdBlue is designed to drastically cut pollution levels for harmful emissions such as nitrogen oxide. The DVSA say the use of an AdBlue emulator avoids using AdBlue and causes harmful pollution levels.
Any evidence of “emissions cheating” is resulting in an s marked prohibition followed by a full inspection of the rest of a company’s fleet. With commentary from some Traffic Commissioners to the effect that this is tantamount to fraudulent behaviour the stakes are high for operators.
We are expecting high numbers of Public Inquiries arising out of this issue and strongly suggest all operators seek advice should they receive a prohibition. Gathering and preserving evidence at the earliest opportunity could make the difference between keeping the operator’s licence or a revocation. All operators are advised to check their fleet for the presence of these devices and remove them.
If you would like further advice, please contact a member of our regulatory team on 01254 828300 today.