The Senior Traffic Commissioner has issued temporary guidance allowing operators to extend PMI intervals by up to 50%.
This applies to standard licence holders operating across all sectors or restricted licence holders carrying out essential transport services involved in the following sectors affected by COVID-19:
Restricted licence holders who do not operate in the above sectors must continue to operate within their specified inspection intervals. However, a change to inspection frequency is a matter for the Operator and can be undertaken at any time.
Where PMI intervals are stretched operators must ensure that vehicles remain in a safe and roadworthy condition. Intervals can be stretched up to 50% with a maximum of 17 weeks and this should take into account any monitored defects reported on the previous inspection.
Operators making use of stretched PMI intervals do not require updated maintenance contracts, however you should make a note of the temporary arrangements on the online vehicle operator licensing system in the same box as the maintenance supplier’s address is detailed.
You will need to keep a record of any evidence justifying the need for stretched intervals, such as correspondence from your maintenance provider stating that they are unable to carry out the PMI. This evidence should be kept with your PMI records.
Where possible mobile inspections should be conducted at operating centres and these will still require an instrumented brake test to be conducted. Health and safety requirements must be taken into consideration for mobile inspections.
DVSA has confirmed that they will not take any action where vehicles are being operated with non-safety critical minor and major defects if the necessary parts or workshop is unavailable. Evidence will need to be kept on file where maintenance has been delayed. A qualified technician should confirm whether or not a vehicle is fit to be in service.
Please contact the Regulatory team on 01254 828300 if you have any queries.