Senior Traffic Commissioner, Richard Turfitt, has “refreshed and updated” his Statutory Documents – the body of Statutory Guidance and Statutory Directions that explain the way Traffic Commissioners will approach the exercise of their statutory functions for licensing and regulating the operation of commercial vehicles.
Most of the changes have been made to bring the legal position up to date and incorporate recent key Upper Tribunal cases. The Statutory Documents also now include hyperlinks to improve navigation around the documents and to provide direct access to the Upper Tribunal decisions referred to.
The Main Changes
Some of the most significant changes include:
Statutory Document 0: Introduction
Statutory Document 1: Good Repute & Fitness
“when incidences are brought to the attention of a traffic commissioner they will wish to consider the culpability of the operator and transport manager and they may be called to attend a public inquiry. The driver can also expect to be called to a hearing and may face a period of suspension”
Statutory Document 2: Finance
Statutory Document 3: Transport Managers
Other Changes
Statutory Document 6: Vocational Driver Conduct
The most substantial changes have been made to Statutory Document No. 6, which relates to Vocational Driver Conduct (and can be accessed here). The update to Statutory Document No. 6 follows a consultation on the proposed changes and the Office of the Traffic Commissioner has also published a summary of responses to the consultation.
The changes to Statutory Document No. 6 include (among other things):
Statutory Document 13: Small Public Service Vehicle Operations
Statutory Document No. 13, which relates to ‘Small Public Service Vehicle Operations’ has not been updated, as it is currently going through substantial changes and will be consulted on soon.
Statutory Documents
The Senior Traffic Commissioner’s Statutory Documents can be accessed here.
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