As we are all planning on what the world will look like as we get to grips with the effects that Covid-19 has had on our businesses, we all understand that an element of social distancing is here to stay for the short to medium term at least. Due to the nature of passenger travel, social distancing has a dramatic effect on the numbers of passengers that you can carry. Also the installing of screens to protect the driver are a recommended consideration of the Government and should form part of your risk assessment.
Backhouse Jones has been working with a manufacturer and installer of screens to protect both drivers and passengers with the aim of increasing your carrying capacity. We also understand that the Government may be looking to reimburse the reasonable costs of fitting such screens.
Also, as a PSV Operator, if you alter the vehicle in anyway (apart from replacing like for like parts) this potentially means that you will need to contact the DVSA for approval.
With the assistance of the above manufacturer we have agreed a streamlined approach with the DVSA to making such a notification with the aim of getting these modifications approved as quickly as possible. If you have already fitted screens and not sought approval from the DVSA, please still call for further confidential advice.
Please contact 01254 828300 to discuss the options available.